Friday, April 30, 2010


Today we watched a very interesting video in science class; it was called ‘flow’. I learned lots of new information and I thought I would share some with you! Pollution and Poverty: Did you know that every year 2 million people die of no water, and think that’s bad? Well most of them are kids under the age of 5! There is an estimate 1 out of 5 children will die even before the age of 5! Also in some places 30 000 people die every day of polluted water. And to think that the water poor people go to get costs more than the average water a wealthy person buys! If they choose not to get a tap installed at there homes (because of costly expenses) they are required to go to the store and buy a tablet every time for there creek to kill the bacteria, but most cant afford that so they go for the risk of not getting a tablet and drink the water right from the creek.

But the other story is Bottled water, every year we spend $30 billion on water, but we spent 3 times that amount on bottled water! Did you know that bottled water costs more than gasoline? And most of them say ‘fresh glacier water’ but they have gone through tests and it turns out that they are just plain old tap water--- and it only cost you 1 penny every 20 refills into a water bottle from your tap.

NOT DONE!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My thoughts about the Quotes from the Fresh Water Video

“It’s melting away… It’s wasting away… I need it, there’s no doubt about it” --- I think that it means that we are not conserving water enough… we use water like it is just another thing that can be replenished really easy, well for now it can be… but soon we will be running out and we cant fix that when its gone.

“It’s what we got… it’s all… that’s it” --- Basically it’s the same concept as the last one… Since the glaciers are melting fast and only 3% of all water is fresh we won’t be able to make more real water when it’s all gone… we will have to start recycling it, and nobody wants to do that.

“Every drop counts” --- We use fresh water as a everyday thing without a thought, we use fresh water to water our gardens… we use unneeded amounts of water with long showers without thinking of how much water we use (130-250 L per 10 minute shower)… or how about the fact that with every toilet flush we waste 4 gallons (aprox.)! Even the little things count…like my mom has a rain barrel under the main gutter and rain water collects in it then she uses that to water her garden… Or how about shorten your shower by even a few minutes and it would make a big difference by the end.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The oceans currents

Did you know that the oceans currents are both vertical and horizontal movements, both surface and deep water; this is every where in the world. Most currents move in a certain direction, there for where the circulation of the earths moisture, the resultant of the weather and also water pollution.

The surface currents are in the upper 400 meters of the water, surface currents happen because of the wind, it creates friction as it moves the water. The friction causes the water to move in a spiral pattern, this creates gyres. In the northern hemisphere the gyres move clockwise and in the southern they move counter clockwise.

Gravity plays a role when it comes to surface currents because the surface of the water is uneven, mounds in the water form when water meets the land, where the water is warmer and where 2 currents meet. Also gravity plays a role in deep water currents because mainly they are caused by density differences.