Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mitochondrion And Chloroplast

The chloroplast is the reason plants are called “self feeders”, when photosynthesis happens to make carbon dioxide the chloroplast takes the energy from the sun and makes it into glucose. Glucose is a energy-rich sugar, the glucose is made within the granum, the granum looks like green circular plates stacked on top of each other, and the proper name is thylakoid membrane. The plants send the glucose to the mitochondrion, or they would store the glucose in the vacuoles so they can use it later.

-This image is of A Chloroplast Cell

The mitochondrion is often called the “power house” if the cell, the cristae is where the cellular respiration happens. The mitochondrion uses the energy from the glucose and turns it into ATP, ATP is used to send energy everywhere in the cell to get their reaction.

The cells like mitochondrion and chloroplast like to use the most efficient way to do things, to define the word efficiency: efficiency is to use the quickest way to do things. If there is more ATP there is will be way more happening within the cell.


  1. hi i never knew that some cells are really important like the Chloroplast

  2. Hello, I have learnt alot, i also never knew that either.

  3. hello there i would have to say the same thing that bj said cause i dont know what to say about this good job
